Business English Plus

20 weeks of up to 2 hours per week: 

Includes all that is in the Vital course plus the following...

Do you worry about not performing well in important professional situations when everything is said and done in English?

OR... Do you need to understand what they say and also make important presentations, direct projects, meet VIPs and conduct difficult negotiations in English?

  • Intensive, results-oriented program.
  • Individually personalised program designed especially to your specific requirements.

It includes your choice of the following:

  • Everything in the Vital course
  • Focused themes and exercises
  • Online support
  • Industry specific material
  • Business skills development
  • Cross-cultural integration, etiquette and protocol
  • International business skills training

**Terms and Conditions: Lessons must be taken regularly each month and cannot be carried over. Payment to be made in full, in pounds sterling, in advance, by bank card or transfer to arrive no later than 5 days before start date of course. 

All modifications/cancellations need to be made before 5.00 pm UK time the previous working day or the lesson is counted as taken.

22 Lessons

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On sign up

History of your English learning journey:

How you started English

Module 1 - Build industry specific and business vocabulary

Week 1. In depth analysis of your professional role and sector

The past and the future of your English skills

Week 2. Business Culture

Week 3. Working in English - what you do today

Your job - and English

Week 4. Business Sector

More about the sector internationally

Module 2 - Improve Speaking, Communication and Presentation

Week 5. Pronunciation

Week 6. Focus on presentations, projects and meetings in English

Focus on oral

Week 7. Improve your skills

Improve skills - pronunciation

Week 8. Increase your confidence

Become confident and comfortable

Week 9. Presentations and Projects

Adapt for better presentations and projects

Week 10. Meetings

Manage your Meetings

Week 11. Business English skills development including cross-cultural integration

What skills you need

Week 12. Focused themes and scenarios

Your situation

Week 13. Sector specific role play and skills awareness

Adapt and practice for better performance

Week 14. Etiquette, protocol and culture differences in work and mentality working abroad

Working abroad

Module 3 - Improve Writing / Emails

Week 15. Basic format and principles of writing Business emails

Week 16. Complex business emails

Week 17. Analysis and adaptation to different topics and nationalities

Module 4 - Creation, development and full rehearsal

Week 18. Real life scenario business context roleplay

Week 19. Analysis and improvements on real life business context

Week 20. Wrap Up and ongoing action plan

Moving on to Genuine Fluency in any language

Achieving Genuine Fluency